Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I can, just roll scum once

You see
I’m very curious to see how multiball virtuous plays out
inb4 another hand of byzantium stomp

But the one time I saw you play multiball here, you did an amazing job as scum…


noots out


Noots in.


And did you also know what happened that game? I got killed by scum.

Multiball sucks because as scum you can get majorly fucked over by appearing townie, especially if there are no power roles.


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From your own faction. It was hilarious.

I see the point you’re making.


is NK and neuts multiball or no

It was still a great game to read, though. I loved day 1 where you, Geyde, Math, Possessed, Ici, and more people were going after each other. The scuffles were a joy.

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Not really, because the neuts are not a proper 3p. (They aren’t considered a faction, which means that in most cases they can’t plan anything together.)

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so multiball requires multiple groupscum teams?

Yes. That’s the definition.

Pretty much

Clearly, Noots should have a private chat.

But Jane
Usually multiballs don’t have third party :sunglasses:

Poor htm, though. I could smell the fear of your dunk from here. Pretty sure you were considered the towniest player in the game after that. You gladiated a wolf and correctly lynched them day 1, bruh.

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