Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I’ve actually managed to further improve my wolfgame in the last month because of me playing at MU.

I found out that my wolfgame looked way too performative as a few weeks ago one of MU’s best players managed to case me hard on it so I took steps into making it look more natural.



ill take all 6

You say that each time and it never is true :angry:

that small amount of Zalgo does not crash the forum

How about

I take half, you take the other half

and we can become the Wolf and Cat gods respectively

I know

but it got flagged nontheless lol.

well that’s dumb

and the person who flagged it is dumb

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Hmm… somewhat tempting, I will admit.

Member when Emilia Zalgo-bombed a thread and made it unusable for a shit-ton of time?

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I already love the game.

member when that small amount of Zalgo text destroyed the thread? Me neither.

In fact, an old moderator (marluxion) used to use Zalgo text for his vote count in a game

Zalgo test is fun


Does anyone else see this?


Are you on computer


Stop using Zalgo. Thanks
It significantly reduces forum performance