Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

your welcome


okay then, i wont judge.

how to tell kat to get off the table?

kick them off the table

Put cookies on ground.


i kick back

Ah yes, waking up at 6 PM and still feeling tired, my favorite thing.



who here has played and beat Dark Souls 1

I have played
I have not beat
I’ve done all of DS3 and DLCs tho

Nice, playing through ds3 on the ps4 now

Abyss watchers were a pain, and honestly have been the biggest obstacle for me so far.

Abyss Watchers + Sister Friede have the best soundtracks.

Abyss watchers is great.

Slave Knight Gael`s is my favorite

Games like that take me a very long time to ‘get’

Honestly, beat DS1 in like 40 hours. After Bell Gargoyles i got the hang of it (Plus, i was heavy rolling due to weight, fixed that issue)


I don’t exactly remember where I dropped it
It was after 10 hours or so

Yeah, i was overweight lol, fixed that issue as i raised my endurance more.


Zweihandler +15 is nutty on a strength/Dex build

Imagine not going pure dex