Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

like that time when people thought Ressurect Priest would be killed by Plague of Murlocs

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Also, it’s funny how unbalanced the game is. Maybe it’s part of the charm?

plays mass ressurection
revives 3 old murk eyes

what the fuck happened to the pugi

honestly yeah
part of the charm is that the game is shitty but it’s easy to play and crazy things happen every game

didn’t mean to reply

oh yeah people thought that plague of murlocs was godly
plague of flames was the one true god

and there’s just enough strategy that you don’t feel like an idiot, unless you’re a filthy Priest player


I think my dumbest death was Rutger because I forgot to heal him.

I also lost Lance in chapter 2(?), the one when you get Rutger. I had no idea a bullshit ambush spawn would walk out the castle and focus Lance down.

it got localized and now I’m mad

you know i think blizzard should just bite the dust and make Psychic Scream be in classic
because Plague of Death is clearly just an imitator Scream

psychic scream is ridiculously good
ridiculously good

Wait, Geyde plays DD? :eyes:

It’s still one of the best cards to this day

they might as well instead of just like
fucking printing stupid priest board clears every few sets to replace its’ role in the meta
they’ve already gone all in on Priest being stupid
so i mean

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I think you need a really good reason not to run it

what I don’t get it is that Blizzard thought the fact that Scream shuffles into your opponent’s deck was a downside, clearly, since they evaluate killing all minions while circumventing deathrattle as 9 mana

so that’s canon
interesting maneuver