Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Wrath just doesn’t work with Vantage because lmao


Leif hits like a wet noodle

I heard I need to train them because escape arc
is that right

the answer as to how Thracia 776 works is that it might work if you’re lucky
also staves in Thracia 776 are stupid as shit

One person has a personal sword that gives him both wrath and vantage
But since vantage cancels out wrath… Yeah it’s a meme

Bruh, why is Lilina being shot at by an archer through a stone wall? lolfireemblem

Have Lilina go away from the archers

great map design

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thracia 776 is also a bastard game

Hey ici
Should we tell Geyde about that one certain staff

I have. DS1 and 3 are probably some of my favorite games (2 is pretty meh though).

no no no
let him find out himself

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Finn has captured 3 units so far
This is fine

okay it’s called the Watch Staff

this is fine

Why are Cavaliers so busted?

the fucking watch staff is in this game???

no wait it’s unused data

It’s unused, but yes
I got it in a randomizer and it legit works

why do I have 3 javelins
what am I going to do with 3 javelins
why am I capturing so much

what’s wrong with me