Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Also congratulations, that sounds great :eyes:

I’ll check out what the GPPA is. Certainly seems like a prestigious and competitive program to get into. Thank you for the information :smiley:

uni I missed you

MARSHALLLL! I missed ya mannnn

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GPPA is a program that some universities that also have a med school associated with them offer where if you go there for undergrad, you’re guaranteed a spot in their med school no matter what

it’s the best because med school apps are so brutal.
my cousin applied to like 30 of them 3 years in a row and keeps getting rejected from all of them

Oh I see. That is a very attractive program for those entering the medical field. I’ll see if my senior also got into a similar program. He has a secured spot for Brown University’s medical school with a full ride from the Bill and Melinda Gates scholarship

I missed you more


Indeed, I know of people who have done overseas missions in helping medical personnel and doing so much charity work along with high grades that still get rejected. Medical schools are so hard to get into

Universal: exists

have i made my point clear yet


imagine working with bio
this post was made by the engineering gang

You all make me so happy, and flatter me so much. Thank you for everything :smiley:


Actually clonedcheese, I am also thinking of choosing biomedical engineering

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I am giving all my likes to Uni

He deserves it


wow uh
much smart
I can never imagine myself doing anything related to bio lmao

You deserve all the love in the world too Sulit

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And you are smart clonedcheese. Just because you may not be well-versed in biology does not mean you can be a genius in your own field. I am sure you can reach heights never reached before, I believe in youuuu

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and 100 other jokes you can tell yourself

Semantics lmao

is uni actually mean? :frowning:

in all seriousness
thanks \o/

Marshal you take some of the most weird approaches to flirting with people

no me

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