Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

hi guys i was being purposely scummy haha lol sorry


My memory’s terrible. I really did recall more than one revive.


@eevee as i cant post it in ur chat :eyes:

Htm “revived” themself but not really

Priestess, it was?

tell eevee to change his pfp thx

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the class not the person

im sorry i wasnt in thread sorry uh
i have reads im just confused guys not sure who i wanna vote here
im reading this and im like what
oh btw sorry for not having stances im just thinking hard rn and i didnt really have time to play bc i played terraria
sorry i will play more now


Or don’t do that

im going to sleep
ping me if you need me i guess
im gunna keep my vote here
but im considering changing it
idk we’ll see

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As I said, I would do stuff on mine while Kyos game runs.
But Kyos game didnt start for some reason.
And Im not theirs GM to guard them starting the game on time.


town!vulgard: “so let’s see how many wolves it takes to mislynch me because town will never do this”
neut!vulgard: “neuts out”
scum!vulgard: “i hate everything i’m posting, can you distance with me/bus me?”

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Im not their gm either lol

Im just trying to solve how tf to handle this queue

town!katze: im a wolf
neut!katze: imma die n1 (or n2)
wolf!katze: im a wolf


thx for clarifying
me was confused

town!arete: nyoomy thought waves and paranoia
neut!arete: i hate this game, this rand, and my classcard. why do neuts exist. why do i exist. why live. bounty brr.
scum!arete: plin-ko-boar-ding-reads-point-point-mis-lynch-a-gen-da-


BfA 2 hype

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also are the forums like

REALLY slow rn?

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town!n.1: “i will gather all of your family’s meta across generations, since when your ancestors played in the streets of war-torn cities”
neut!n.1: “i’m just gonna exist and try not to die”
scum!n.1: /replace out /concede /slankmode activate