kyo you make me laugh so much sometimes
kyo you make me laugh so much sometimes
A bit of custard, a bit of cream~
god I love that video so much
Anything goes with it, anything you like
But if you don’t tell me soon
I’ll be off on my bikeeee
Off on my bikeee
Off on my bikeee
Off on my bieeee
Everybody’s good at cooking something
And I’m good at cooking crumble
In fact I’ve got one in the oven
Would you like some?
Right that’s enough of Lorraine Bowen
I’ll tell you what? Let’s do a mashup
Look I’ve got my DJ
You getting it? Flashing lights, come on, flashing lights
and 99 other lies you tell people
Firekitten you may be good at cooking burned things, or cooking up a fire
Doesn’t mean you aren’t good at cooking other things
The burden of proof for your claim is on you
my cat is eating my hair
why is she eating my hair
maybe they like hair
have you tried feeding them hair?
She already eats her own hair
Why does she need mine
sulit’s cat is good at cooking something,
and it’s good at cooking her hair
In fact sulit’s burning in the oven
Would you like some
well they need to have a well rounded diet
oh no
sulit: A rich source of your daily Vitamin D