Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)
Please send emails

For a moment I thought Margaret had come back.


I believe all the google sheets that are posted with game spreadsheets make it so that if you join via the link, you are anonymous

So I dont think (?) anyone would know your email from this

Unless you have made and shared your own spreadsheets on that account

Remembers your form of journalism.

I mean, I hosted a FoL and co-hosted two, using this account.

okay yeah then people probably have your email lol

Funnily enough, the people who accompanied me then are not around here anymore.

:eye: :lips: :eye:

LOL me too

haven’t done that much requesting tho so could be worse

It was an inevitability unless I wanted to avoid talking about literally my everything all last summer and fall

Which I like could have but nah

Sounds perfect to me tbf.

Keep in mind I needed to explain why I was dipping at the worst possible time

i have evolved from a litten

i am now


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Offline mode everywhere.
I wish we had offline mode in real life but alas.

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I was going to post my steam that had 500+ days offline, but now it just shows “Currently Offline”. I was hoping to reach 1000 some day.

i hate that it shows that now

i used to check my phone to see how long i was offline on steam to get an approximation on how long i slept

and now i cant

Drives tank into store with a megaphone for a good headline

Also I actually have that email

Kyo how long are you planning to keep this pfp

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With no national guard coming after you, either.

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