Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Hah I haven’t actually did anything since like, a month

I struggle to understand this

Universal has two meanings in german, it means either “comprehensive” or “worldwide”

Now you realize why I wanna cry. And that’s just one subject.

I should pass, but because I’m Vulgard, I worry too much.

What class are you taking?

I’m an English major. I have ~10 subjects rn.

this seems to be a thing

Oh god
I understand now what this is
That’s part of higher linguistics theory :upside_down_face:


I don’t see a practical application of this, ever.

Linguistic universals are statements describing all languages existing.

an absolute linguistic universal is for example “all languages have words”
an tendencial linguistic universal is for example “most languages have closed consonants”
an implicational linguistic universal is for example “if a language has the attribute X, it also has the attribute Y”

I uhhh just have no idea what you can do with this tho :joy:

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now you understand my pain


Oh I see. I get that.

I’m about to achieve my qualification for national standard and I only know what an adjective & nouns are

why is it half of the games on weekly sale this week in steam are anime hentai games

like, jesus christ valve.

I have a gift for describing complicated things on the easiest ways possible
its literally how my brain works
When I see something complicated
I break it down to the easiest components
and then I try to translate it back into human language ^^
and then normally the people complain that I’m saying something too pointed or too generalized reeeee

Like with the old cult points system. I never understood how you can say something so easy on a so difficult way

Why did you make me check.
I regret everything.

remember when someone wanted to host hentai forum mafia but slap a [NSFW] label on the game thread to get past the rules

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Thats your own fault lol.

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Wasnt that Emilia who tried to that, or was it someone else?

Was it Ami