Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

oh. bad idea.

You can see it in amber, you fool!

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I know, I also use amber :wink:

Alice didn’t think so

Light > Amber > Dark.
In reality Amber is just for cowards who haven’t accepted Light Theme yet :^)

amber and light theme aren’t similar at all


You people are using the inferior theme

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Amber is better

i dont want to burn my fucking eyes out

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No one said they are similar, but it’s lighter than dark theme anyway.

imagine thinking it’s similar enough to light that you won’t get instantly blinded by changing to light

Not even using All black everything


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Amber > Dark > Light


Light = Amber = Dark


centrism has finally been acheived



Hm… well, I just don’t see it often, I suppose.

truly the only valid opinion is the worst elements of every opinon

most players in ToL are too scared to go for PK as well

so even if it was worth going for (it rarely is) it’d probably still be really uncommon :upside_down_face:

…I need to get used to Amber. I lived with Dark for far too long…

Does PK need to get to F4 or be the true last victor?