Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Disable sampling in defender btw


The warning that your “Device is vulnerable” is complete bullshit.
Don’t listen to it.

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It was kind of a shame as well because we used to buy two keys together each year (one for my PC and one for my parents), and that announcement came literally days after we bought the second set.
Fun times all around.

I see sampling for Microsoft as dangerous as Torrent seeding, but without the ‘others can grab your IP and compromise your machine’ part
And it only goes to microsoft

Never use torrents as well btw

My brother use them like, All the time.

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oo i forgot to do this since reinstalling windows last, ty

i don’t know entirely what they collect but thats a bummer given i’ve totally recommended it to people i know who aren’t at all aware on how to not get viruses :upside_down_face:

i mean technically “may be” isn’t a lie :wink:

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My eight and nine year old self has learned all of these things to say to people NOT to do
It’s just dawned on me I actually think my browser was infested with pornography ads at one time but I can’t remember and didn’t know what it was

Oh my god I am actually happy for my absolutely horrible memory for once

Never use torrents without researching*.
There are ways to use them properly but I feel like this isn’t a discussion for these forums.

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flat out not using torrents is a lot easier and safer

but you are right that this is probably not a forum discussion


Oh not to mention a keylogger I downloaded intentionally on my brother’s PC to try and catch his password
I put it on a USB pen but a copy was still on my laptop and my dad was going mad

Also lmao that was literally the first thing I disabled when I got rid of my old antivirus.

Actually when I was younger as well I used to play on this pokemon collection site
And I setup a fake website on weebly with a form saying they’d get a legendary pokemon if they submitted their password

Narrator: They didn’t

You can disable that warning if you click on the Icon and then click ‘Dismiss’ and run as Administrator

…why am I not surprised that you used to phish other peoples’ accounts on an online game while you were younger?


trying to keylog his own brother is also mildly hilarious

i’d never do this but my family also has very little sense of security minus my older brother, so i’d never have to if i wanted their passwords anyway

they still use the same password on everything, send help

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I’ve explained the importance of security to my parents before and it actually stuck with them, which is somewhat impressive.
They still have trouble grasping the concept of bookmarking and opening same links in two different browsers though.

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I looked back at facebook messages because I had an accomplice and at 2014 I was complaining about a virus

That’s what happened to my youtube

