Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

oh and also

fyre: the greatest party that never happened

is probably good

I haven’t watched it because I saw a youtube vid on it so I already know the story but it’s an interesting story

the epstein one is rlly pretty good if u havent seen it

Not really, since I now need to make new meta for both of them, starting by “actually playing the game”.

What’s the point of having a meta to begin with if it’s disadvantageous to you?


This is good

Also don’t make different town and scum metas on purpose that’s bad


its not your fault sometimes


imagine having a meta
this post was made by “what the fuck why do you think not having a meta is -EV i’m not just going to let you determine my alignment based off of my posting style” gang

I’m not saying that having a meta is a ‘fault’, it’s that I don’t understand why one would actively try to distinguish their behavior as scum/town, when absence of such distinction benefits you.
But that’s obviously just my opinion.

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Italy you literally don’t post every time you roll scum.


that’s just my will to live being drained, ask arete how well slanking = italy scum worked out for them

it’s usually unintentionally, or rather a difference of headspace


Can confirm :sleepy:

take datbird for example

(can you tag in here)

I got to witness it (and partially experience it) 3 games in a row, but I don’t really blame him.
He did roll scum all these games in a row, I’d probably just quit if I was in his shoes.

listen rolling scum for the 7th time in a total of 10 games can impact your reaction to rolling scum

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I still haven’t seen one of Dat’s fabled wallposts – and I want to.

just read blood on the forums 4 where I called them out 4 hours into the game for not posting

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I dont do em, or I have set my goal not to do em but occasionally let one slip

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I can’t force myself into reading any of the BotF games because I immensely dislike the setup.


bout to do something but yeah meta sucks and its usually because I work myself up in scum and that leads to burnout