Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

didn’t he

literally claim demon

Do you have any plans to join any of the upcoming games, by the way?

because no one listens to the reads of dead players


Voting is decided by the host and dead players
The dayvig is mostly enabled by a wolf
The wolves are all lost and don’t have nightkills

Only under specific circumstances

I’m not saying them in public as it’s part of a grand FPS that spans multiple months

Passed it off as an rt
Kat couldn’t be bothered to push him
Then he put himself into the Shacklewright group as I swapped myself in a position to whisper him

Shame, I’d like to see you play more but I already told you about that before.
Although spectating with you would be pretty good as well – so long as spectator chat isn’t a complete meme like last two games.

i see no evidence of the contrary

To which ici defended him for the rest of the game
To the point he shot Vulgard and lynched cheese which imploded the town

Legion in FM

25% of players are scum goons
50% are powerless lost wolves
25% are town pr

couldn’t be bothered to play the game*

the only reason i didnt yeet myself out of the game sooner was cause i died early in the other games that were ongoing at that time

Cloned have you not seen the way Zone plays.

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Re-read PracGame, and tell this to me again.

i mean

have you seen me play

im pretty shy irl but i don’t play like it :eyes:

Fair enough
I find it hard to join games rather than replace in because of the ‘necessity’ to give forth what I have for it

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What the heck…? No. Just… no.

not with me :flushed:

I hate how time consuming FMs are when you are an idiot perfectionist like myself and waste all of your time on them – it probably feels the same way. This ‘need’ to be productive gets tiring very fast.

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