Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

we’re not twins


it’s unusually large but not shockingly so in my experience

tbf the triplets thing complicates it because his family might have been aiming for three

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only separated by 5 years

it is indeed bizarre

birthday parties are even more craizer

but its usually a good thing

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Maybe it’s just EU, but back in my university/school 90% of other kids were the only children.
We’ve had a pair of twins in university and it was strange to see.

And here almost everyone has a sibling (or multiple), as well as twins/triplets.

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see, that parses as really weird

my school-from-fourth-grade-until-the-end-of-high-school had unusually large family sizes because there were a lot of conservative Catholics but there were several people in my year who had ~5-sibling families

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How do these people even survive.


bro 5 children


cannot imagine

having 4 siblings

I know a lot of people at my school who have a shitton of siblings

like arete said catholics make a lot of kids


I know these people and they all despise the number of siblings they have

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don’t you go to a Catholic high school Marshal

I swear to God if my public high school was more Catholic than your school

and now I will stop talking about religion

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nice crosspost

when we know what we’re doing yard work is almost funny

a neighbor once told us to get professionals to do

I don’t

Somehow that doesn’t surprise me one bit.

tbf I actually get along with my siblings

so that’s a +


I know a lot of people with 4-6 sibling families

I wondered how this could happen
but in 7th grade we were told that it was like god’s will or smthn for us to make a ton of meat bags

also your school cannot be more catholic than mine

you haven’t had a 40 minute class every day since you were 6 about the catholic faith and had to go to mass, in school, once a week, also starting from the age of 6.


most of the 5 kid families I know are also like fiiiiiiiiilthy fucking rich

I guess they have to be to afford sending 5 whole ass children to a school that costs money


As opposed to sending 5 halves of children to a school :^)

But seriously, this:

Basically sounds like torture to me.