Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

you can fix that

i wouldn’t recommend it but you can

why are you assuming it’s a problem

who says i do

maybe i just want to doom them for eternity

anyone want to help me design scp fm 2
geyde won’t ever be up for it, sadly

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Hell yeah.

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yall talking stabbing and fights, the most i had was some guy get his ass kicked after weak af punching a guy like 3 times. Two fat nerds doing karate poses at each other saying come at each other but no actual fihgt, a lot of weave pulling.

As for Drexel never saw anything but had like those campus texts like once a week about a robbery within ten blocks of the school. Also had a guy smoke weed next to me on the train. Had a guy threaten to kill me on train after he woke up and then went back to bed on the train. Found feces on the train. And had a stalker for a bit on the train that looked like Jeff Goldbloom if he gained 50 pounds

friend almost got poked by a crack needle on the train as the guy almost fell on him


trains be like that sometimes

what the heck is wrong with your trains :eyes:


From experience none of these bad things happen if you just stay in the house


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ive never actually been on a train

sounds like hell

“For a bit”?

Philadelphia trains lol, they be crazy and poppin

Trains are actually great, I vastly prefer them over other public transport.


Yeah for like a solid month he would park near me and I would purposefully walk the long way and he always like be at the door at the same time as if he went slow. Then I would try and stay far away from him when waiting for trains and then I enter a car and somehow he would walk like 5 cars down to get in the same one. I was genuinly worried for a bit. Then he disapeared

public transport is vastly less popular here than in europe

as such ive only been on any form of public transport like, maybe a dozen times ever?

Totally not ominous at all.
I’d be careful, Dat.

the trains here in the Twin Cities have better Wi-Fi than the busses and are better at actually following the official schedule rather than making you wait outside in the -10 degrees Fahrenheit weather than the busses are

the trains in Chicago are too loud (or at least the train stations I’ve mainly used are) which makes riding them kind of aaa on a sensory-processing level

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I have never ride in a train, however I have always wanted to

fuck boats though