Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I have no idea who that is beyond what I got from 15 seconds on Google but on priors I think it’s unlikely that locking him in a cage would make the world a better place?

wtf were u hanging with 5 year olds or something. I cant beleive people ur age beleived his shit

it was like 2-3 years ago

so 12 year olds

If you want to know why people hate him just search up “Jake Paul Suicide Forest”

ahhh makes sense, 12 year old armies were established back in the day

no logan paul did that


you are a nerd

but he’s a “vlogger” who is just an internet douchebag and steals money from kids

let me pull up a video


My bad

okay so I have a reason to hate Logan Paul

But why should I hate Jake Paul now

jake paul was like the one who tried to sell gambling to kids and made team 10, and had the undercard to the boxing events his brother and KSI had set up.

team 10?

I vaguely remember the second part but don’t know the first part

its mainly a cringe crew, they also set their neighbors houses on fire as they have no fire safety

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I kind of tuned out of the whole Paul Thing after the suicide thing and just put them in a box

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Why aren’t they arrested for arson

cause lol celeberty. Honestly idk. But heres the gambling thing

this reminds me of a guy who got charged for burning a city down

they had to make a new charge for him, if I remember correctly lmao

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“He was trying to bend metal and make a hammer or something,” Mr. Morse told reporters on Thursday. But the winds were not in Mr. Gomes’s favor.