Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Rn we have more the problem of players hyperposting tons of tons and then burn out by it

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What’s multitabling?
I also have decided to adopt a new playstyle. Which means no one liners or fluffposting.

Playing multiple games at once.

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I just ran it jgoes



We had Luxy trying to constantly do huge wallposts in one game
That didnt work out well either :wink:
I guess having a few short posts, a few long posts, and the rest on a normal level is gold

Didn’t Merc literally post a wall in Academy or was that someone else?

She did, and I assessed it as a townread from scum on another scum. It was correct.

She did try to wallpost in that game.

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Miscs and Italys dont count smh

I’m pretty sure someone posted a literal picture of a wall that game.


Can’t remember who though :frowning:

Excessive amounts of wallposts count as hyperposting
change my mind

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Not changing. It is true.
Mafia Academy was Eevee’s social experiment on what truly impeded both town and mafia from being good.
Town, noticing the post limit, started to make huge textwalls no one wanted to read anymore day 2 afterwards. It is a different format of the same problem this community has of having an outrageously amount of unecessary content.
Mafia, even with their numerical superiority, lacked coordination. There were two people trying to infiltate into the towncore by… Not accusing anyone, or bussing themselves without their consent. The other three quickly got scumread for trying to clear eachother.

The Town solution here is to understand that you do not have to share everything you think, just what is relevant. Don’t accuse people unless you want to push them or someone asks for your opinions. Don’t make a post just to say you read someone and could not determine their alignment unless this person is the main wagon or someone asked for your opinion.


How dare you

I’ll start whenever it stops raining.


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And if you’re a vigilante then faketownread who you think is mafia and proceed to shoot them

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Wallposts are truly the perfect form of communication.

Texas roadhouse is a chain that is all the way up in NJ. It’s not Texas exclusive

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