Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I’d say that’s the main reason why it’s so cool in a mash.

It makes town scumread the voters even if they were primarily town, because intentions start to be questioned.

There’s just a lot of them
We’ve got standard stuff like Seer being a regular Cop and Apprentice basically being a Deputy

A lot

Hey so how about town roles that become scum when of its kind dies?

How about
A Town Conditional Vanillaizer

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Oh I just remembered
Town Self Announced Voyeur

is that what it is?


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yeah i guess thats fair

what ive seen of that game has seemed mostly tame so i assume most of the roles are fine



town crier

For every role that visits it
It sends a public bardsong that describes it

Something like

“The bard’s blood flowed into his head, for he found that the concubine had creeped into his bed”

Katze is Town cute kat

Nani the what the frick?


Have you not seen a bard

That’s the message he sends if a Concubine blocks him.

I don’t know all of the roles, no. I don’t own the game, but I sometimes watch skimm’s YT videos about it.

I got the game for free off his stream
So I can read all the crazy stuff the game has


this seems balanced

an announcing self-voyuer or something

theres prob an actual role that fits this description


Wanna host it on the Forums someday?

It has some wacky roles, but you could just leave those out.


literally you.


Would it even have enough for an actual game if you left those out.

Once I have time, I could probably make a setup
I kind of want to include the bard because it’s hilarious but it’s also self confirming

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