Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

how often was it useful in the past?

I mean, the whole point of the thread is ‘SF keeps not doing anything because it’s {used on the NK}/{blocked by Stonewall}/{used on someone who dies N1}’

but if we look at games where it was actually used n a non-accidental-meme way, it was useful in both SFoL 60 (since it meant I knew I could trust Marshal 100 percent) and in Clash of Cults (same reason)

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so it can be useful, but its very situationally

fear the town leader italy

The glorious Princaly

Automod is a bastard.

who are his parents?


Found Marshal 2 on MU.



This is Marshal but disguised as a cute anime girl.


Did they say the game was ez, though?

@DatBird you asked to know how the card game went, so here’s roughly how things went down:

the game is called 1000 Blank White Cards, and before the game, all 3 players created 9 blank cards. I created a bunch of point cards that synergised with robots, my mother created a bunch of ridiculous tasks required to play cards, and my father created an elaborate Grey Goo simulation. because of course he did.

best moment was undoubtedly me creating a card that swapped hands with my father in order to give him a confusing card only to discover that the card Daryl, which is an infinite-point robot that needs another card to work, was in his hand, and the tutor I had made for him made perfect sense.

I vandalised the button, shuffling it into the deck with “SERIOUSLY, DO NOT PUSH” on the back, only for it to be put back in play. My mother played a card she created called “Kill Darrel”, which failed because the name was wrong. My father created a card called “Protect Daryl”, which did nothing because that was just its’ name, it had zero rules text, so when my mother played “Kill DARYL” the robot died.

Then I realized that a removal card I created called IT made the game end in a draw because it removed all of our cards.

So yes. That happened. It was a lot of fun.


…I’ve just killed Marcus.
And also Klein.
I am so good at Fire Emblem.
I also have no idea who I’m going to use to kill bosses.

Bye, Lalum.
Bye, Lot.
This is a massacre.

Nevermind, Alen is a combat god and can probably do it instead.

Heccing hecc I’m gonna be 19 soon and I still haven’t dunked :frowning:

Bye Tate.

I think I’ve killed ~14 units so far.

first boss i fought after getting a legendary weapon
scored a crit
killed in one hit
so much for a boss

Bye Cath.
Recruited her, sent her off alone to unlock chests, then reinforcements spawned and cornered her.
I literally sent her to die.

And fucking Roy.

My Roy is so bad he gets oneshot on the map where you have to kill a Manakete with him. I literally can’t use him to kill the boss and no one else deals any damage.