Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

well now i dont have to think about my marks very much (although them removing occ/redirection immunity is a bit of a bigger downside to marking the wrong person – its also a bigger reward for marking the right person)

i can just mark 3 wolves n1-n2-n3 and kill the prince, priest, and confirmed noble on n4 :sunglasses:

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good unit
(level 10 by the way)

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doesnt roy have like really bad growthes?

Or you could be a crippled Archer but still remove MM’s DI :wink:

my bigger ‘fear’ I guess is that removing occ/red/death immunity on an MM is p rewarding but there isn’t anything like that in cult games, aside from NKs

roy is probably the worst lord in the franchise combat-wise
the only thing he’s good for is seizing the throne

On the other hand, Combat God Alen is there to kill everything.

I just sent the dude into like 8 units and nothing happened to him.

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kinda ye
he’s also utter ass overall

Cult superiority confirmed once more, don’t have to fear Archer because the marks do nothing to you :^)

It’s funny how he’s like 2x Roy in almost every category.

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i might play some more path of radiance today. Gotta learn more about Ikes cool af dad

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Does Roy get a horse upon promotion? 5 move is utter garbage. Even Lilina is faster than he is.

Next FoL is going to be a Cult win.
Mark my words.

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I wish.

I’m going to be so hyped if Cult finally wins something.

Join and make it happen.

nope he becomes a great lord, a ground based unit

only if you /in on it and get CL :^)

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Can’t, exams.
Wouldn’t be able to perform well enough.