Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

you saw nothing

but jane

anstreim is a named cult leader

I still don’t understand that change.
Why would you give it to Unseen.

cult never gets any love

we can’t have nice things for more than a game

forcing town to rely less on mechanics isn’t a bad thing until you realize that MM is pretty much always going to pick CW or TK because they are objectively the strongest ones

Hence why it’s our duty to carry each and every Cult game into a win.

day occupy the prince three fucking times in a row

Mm is not a mini arbiter in SFoL 62

because if it was then one specific class would basically always be chosen and it would make Unseen stupidly broken

still waiting for an SFoL to have “The Catgirl” neutral killer

if I get MM

I will pick phys or something mildly useful but a better fakeclaim

itll work

this is like objectively a bad play though

Pick Sheriff
Pro gamer move


I was a little bit disappointed that I couldn’t choose a class to appear as in 61.
But not like it was ever needed.

nobody will expect me to pick knight

ill go pally

I’m too stupid for this game. Just lost Lilina because of my idiocy, and I’m probably going to lose Deke and Saul too.

Why not? Especially when it’s Italy.

the hosts are anti-mithras and biased

i was disappointed i couldnt reveal as the senex :pensive:

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Nani the fuck?