Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

restart the game until you can win with zero deaths

But town is boring and stressful.

just lolcat

I think it was half-genuine because someone was saying that the wagons were even and there wasn’t enough time for me to check.
Hence why the reaction. Nobody is seriously hating you :newspaper_roll:

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Sorry kat, I only loldog as Scoom.

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iirc it was like

6/8 on italy and 5/8 on the 2nd wagon

but thats a fair reaction

when you have a perfect mechanical plan but die before you can put it into action

Imagine being good with mechanics when you can just try to convert two neutrals N1 N2.


i have been scared away from playing any FoL


Or you can just check the same LHF-y player 3 times in one game.

Give me any ability and I’ll become the KnB player that most matches that ability.


play fol28 ayaya

why do the bottom two both directly involve me


Your presence really kept me sane.
Also that picture of Fluffy was adorable.

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where’s the original image for that btw

I found it


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