Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

ITA your greencheck.

ITA the IC.

ITA yourself.

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I tried that in the Fates mash. Hosts didn’t let me.

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Seems a bit excessive, could probably just take the very top off if it’s such a big deal.
But I see.


I feel like I’ve seen this happen.

yeah i don’t entirely like it either (especially since they’re housecats, not outside cats) but shrug

theyre good kitties

You’re a good kitty.

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Probably. If not, ask Marluxion and they’ll probably do it with pleasure. Or was it margaret?



i feel like someone has called me this in real life before


Marluxion never hits an IC

they actually like killing wolves with hero shots tho

I have killed an innocent child in a turbo as a vigilante before on accident though

It was a turbo here where I was king, I forgot they revealed and I ordered their execution. Somehow, I didn’t get lynched.

i dont know what KnB is

but uhh

cold steel

reminder that catgirl marshal exists


I wanna see that now. Dayvig the IC and claim you forgot that they revealed.

italy kniht

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and get away with it