Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Dw, I’ll make sure I’m the lynch D2.

test again

Oh, so alts have faded out names. Interesting.

Hello welcome to the community

Don’t worry
I’ll just get Vow of Innocenced by a Missionary

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that just means theyre not TL2 iirc

Actually, new users have faded out names, I think

Is this XBlade testing Alts?

test again, again

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thanks kat

why you namedropping my alt



Could’ve just asked me.


Actually I’ll find a way to lose as Crusader before getting a wincon :^)

kat is easier to manipulate

this shoulda been a reply to ans

I like how testaltaccount still filled out the pronoun box so there’d be no confusion


Why do I get the urge to join just to harddefend you no matter your alignment :^)