Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

To be fair I also sicced memesky on that guy

i’m all for lingual correctness but the Hung/Hanged distinction is stupid
and also, the past tense of To Hang, Draw and Quarter is Hung, Drawn and Quartered
so uh

true, doesnt mean I wont hold a grudge against him

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To also be fair he probably joined the game specifically to troll the site

Which is also why I sicced memesky on him

wait what the fuck
i swear it’s Hung, Drawn and Quartered
i’ve never heard the distinction being applied to that phrase before now


You pick man

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i pick 3

i’m of the opinion that words that have exactly the same meaning should not be used seperately just because you don’t want Thieves Georg, your great grandfather, to have his fate described in the same words one would use to describe somebody decorating a room with a tasteful picture

You may think I’m meming, but I genuinely think that yeet is the best option unless you don’t want to be lighthearted. Then you can find something that suits the game’s flavor.


I refuse to say the word “hanged”.

Literally everybody I know says Hung, Drawn and Quartered. My fucking english teachers call it that.

Something about using mid-2000’s internet slang in an analytical psychological game is inherently wrong and I refuse to do it.

You’re probably misremembering lel

Iirc we said to say so as well
(we used to learn BE in germany)

I’m not fucking misremembering. It’s a stupid distinction and only weirdos care about it.

It’s a very easy distinction and failing to care about it is dumb

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I will absolutely crucify somebody for using a dangling participle in an actual conversation in real life but I’m not going to go all in on the distinction between hung and hanged.

i mean i disagree but i love you that you’re serious

as funny as it is, “yeet” is a pretty awful word to replace “lynch”

occasionally? sure

permanently? no


it would need to be a meme game