I’m a fan of jettison
Like kyo
but i cant say Kobe after I jettison somebody. I can for yeeting though
I like ‘execute’
shortens easily to ‘exe’ if seven letters is too many
Dunk is another option i guess
Too bland
Also i associate that word with princes / aliens
lynch is still the most satisfying term if you’re not uncomfortable about it, which is really what this whole thing is about
Hanging is bad
I immediately have irl pictures of actual hangings in my head when I hear that word (and for anyone who doesn’t know how hangings look like, its awful)
execution/lynch is more general, so it doesn’t trigger me that hard
shut up exe
/exe kat
I’m also a fan of “convict”
that brings back traumatic memories of a very bad mafia game I played once
also has the same problem of not specifying death
golden dragon?
lawyer / prosecutor
you wouldn’t know it, it happened on a different internet forum
Katze has been decapitated.
Chloe has been dekapetated.
Rather than being on the stand, her head was in the guillotine!
this is how mods get lynched
I swear