Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Guys stop ur killing me with all these yeets lol

it all makes sense

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self reminder to not watch the mu podcast
i dont particularly want to know what anyone i know from any forum looks like
(same principle why i dont want to meet anyone irl even though i probs could – it would erode the distinction between irl and online that is very valuable to me)

2016 was a rough election year

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yeet politics please

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I pledge never to say that slang term.

that slang term

I already know what aroot and orange look like so idrc about that

I do wanna hear orange tho so i’m mildly excited

Oh the podcast has their faces?

its like reee or 4head
if you once teach me a word, I’ll use it until you wish you’d never have taught me

Wait when is poddus castus again? I forgot.

Your new word is “suh”


in 18 minutes

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i think i saw the pic of orange and luxy a while ago which was unfortunate
luckily i think i’ve forgotten that by now

in 18 mins

Suh dude?

is there like a link or something to this podcast?