Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

you all kept typing ‘dybu dabu’ and I was trying to resist the urge to laugh :eyes:


ur setup was good

arete’s worked because it had bookshelf and arete is nerd


why didnt you say it

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the boat is a hidden reference to boat events



I saw that. :eyes:

I tried to be as professional as I could

Solid background, nice shirt, race crew jacket, brought in a multi-headed lamp for better lighting, headset and microphone, etc.


calling u out for ur R6 hat tho


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yeah you looked very professional

and then there’s arete on a laptop on a beanbag chair :^)


It’s my US Nationals hat

And wearing headphones without a hat sucks

i don’t think ive ever worn headphones and a hat

but i also don’t wear hats often

It leaves a bump in your hair :frowning:

Also haircuts are still illegal here

when you have really thick hair it isn’t that bad

but headphones + hat is a good combo because the top of your head can start hurting after a while if you don’t

i have enough hair to hide the bump with MORE HAIR

imagine not cutting your hair with scissors you swiped from an elementary school classroom and a manual razor

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Hood + headphones all day erryday


i really need a haircut its getting a bit ridiculous how long my hair is

especially because its thick hair

i have a lot of hair

and its very hot outside


imagine not having a giant poof ball that is somehow called hair, I cannot relate

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I’m going to a barber immediately once it’s legal for them to open.

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