Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


i got decent culinary arts training in high school
there’s lots of great kosher stores in the city near me
that’s all i need really


I love Nutella + Honey given my horrible-cut-of-a-bagel photo

We used to own dog peanut butter
I decided to taste it when I was younger

It was just blander peanut butter tbh

Honey - yes, but not on bread
Peanut Butter - what the
Nutella - heck is
Jelly - that even?

Excuse me, the what now.

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why make special peanut butter for dogs

they already like peanut btter

seems like a scam that petco or petsmart (adopt, dont shop btw) might create


Because the companies make money from it


It’s probably more healthy with less sugar and processed shit



ok thats a cute cat, but angry cat is good too



Time to do a clear cut.
FM is unhealthy for me.
I was obviously heavily addicted to it ^^
I stopped playing FM half a year ago (mostly successful)
To prevent myself from playing, I was spectating in a lot of games. Which wasn’t playing, but it still kept me in the environment. Kept producing stress.
Now I finally feel strong enough to refrain from that as well. Reading/Interacting with anything related to fol/FM should be now finally taboo for me (outside of a very few exceptions)
(to say it as a real german) That’s not my beer.


that sucks are you still going to be here interacting in non fol stuff tho?

also do u think u will ever be back for fol/fm stuff?

It’s hard to say, but I want to keep away from any kind of FM for at least 10 years. (Cold withdrawal sucks, so its likely that I get a few relapses, but overall I should get down to 0%)
If I stay around as person not sure yet, I’m not sure if I can stay clean and in the community. Have to observe that.


I see people are talking about haircuts. Thanks to the hairdresser not doing anything, my hair is the longest it’s been in many years.

Told myself I’d go to sleep at 9 AM
Still awake 7 hours later because I’m terrible at being a functional human being.

Send help.

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