Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


Please remember to flip responsibly.

bet u cant do another one

I’m pretty sure I remember playing with you only once before you took that break and I was horrible in that game.

Glad you came back so I got to know you

Hi doing a flip, I’m dad.

I failed

What are physical achievements anyway?


It didn’t hurt since I didn’t even complete a quarter of the rotation before hitting the mat

not gunna lie. i thought “doing a flip” meant he was going to fake modkill himself

fm is destroying my brain

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Wazza has died!

They were:

I thought the same thing lmao


Go to sleep already, nerd.

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Anime for all it’s worth.

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well uh
that’s certainly something to open from an Un’Goro pack

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i’ll hold on to him until I can finish a deck with him, but I doubt Sunkeeper Tarim is suddenlty going to become viable

Doesn’t seem super strong tbh.

it was strong in standard but there’s cards that are just Better Than It in wild

the thing is that wild’s meta oscillates quickly- just look at Mecha’thun Warlock. It’s not impossible that an aggressive Paladin deck which uses tokens smaller than 3/3 might form, if Blizzard can decide what the hell Paladin is supposed to be.

it’s 400 dust even so
would have preferred to get Awaken the Makers as the First 10 Packs Legendary for Un’Goro as that card is in Toggwaggle Priest, but still.

guess it’s time to open Frozen Throne packs until I get a Legendary

fortunately Frozen Throne has like 50% of its’ Legendaries in play
preferrably I’d want Frost Lich Jaina or Shadowreaper Anduin, though