Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

v worth imo

and by Saturday we’ll know if that’ll be easier than ever before

rumor is same day announce and release, guess we’ll see


I think the art style for persona is cool

and that’s about the extent of my knowledge or liking of the game

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it good game, i played 3 and 5


and soon 4G? lmao

what a world, I really hope this is legit

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probably, would prefer a switch port but pc is fine

persona 5 switch port when

id buy it

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also like

port some old (good) pokemon games to switch


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Gen 4 2021 tbh

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There is an ideal world out there where they use Saturday to announce P4G for PC and Switch and PS4

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gen 3 > gen 4 but gen 4 would probably be received better as a remake

especially since they already remade gen 3 didnt they

1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 1 -> 4 -> 2 -> 5 -> 6 -> 3 -> 7 -> 1 -> 8

4 is the oldest gen atm

I personally was super psyched for the Gen 1 remake scheduled after Sun/Moon

Instead we got Pokémon Let’s Go

So now I just get to wait another decade :frowning:

this looks like a “this is the order you should watch the star wars movies” list

what a waste of development time

4 -> 5 -> (1 -> 2) -> 3 -> 6

the order i will watch star wars:

Got mia in por. Hope shes not trash

you watch Survivor?

I know she’s not bad
I’ll check where mekkah put her in his tier list

my dad! he died!

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