Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

fucking dew has a bigger magic growth


asbel is fucking ridiculous as a unit btw


Asbel contender for one of the best units

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HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Bld Mov
90% 15% 5% 10% 15% 50% 40% 75% 2%

Rip Marty

Wdym Marty OP :upside_down_face:

fun quiz time:

what class / character has these growths?
n.1 you’re not allowed to answer

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Aka Archer dude

I was about to do brilliant segue into “what the fuck is this”

is this that one armor knight who has like a shit defense scaling

you see

I would say a mage, but like i feel like this is a trick question

so im gonna say Myrm

well shit

an archer

You see I only remember him because I ditched him for Tanya over a meme

this is in fe5
they have no magic bow
magic is the res stat

Mage Killer

ok but who has these bases

I feel dagdar

Pretty sure that’s Eyvel