Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

build an army


Posting my introduction as the first assignment for this online course.

Decided to read some others

And I
someone really put
"I am a grammar policer yeah I’ll admit it you must be understanding and not berate of others for incorrect grammar and spelling. In todays day and age unfortunately we have gotten lazier with grammar "

this is word for word


if you take the b off of berate and then switch the first 2 vowels you get arete

fun fact


also that has to be ironic

there’s no way someone would post that with such blatantly bad grammar

i hope its ironic

its a psychology class
maybe its a test


that person probably is either funny or like a huge ass

I’m leaning the first

this can’t be real can it?

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everything else shes written has had good grammar

im gunna just
assume she was joking

i hope so at least

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It’s probably how we automatically dislike people whom are hypocrites even if they speak the truth.

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Otherwise, my sister has an incredibly funny report this person in her class gave for business.
“This assignment will detail the effectiveness of X, Y and Z business strategy”
“The reason why this strategy is effective is X”

But she didn’t actually apply any strategies to a real-life situation once in the report

All she’s wrote is theory
It was funny
I’d have done better than her and the girl is in university

ha ha college papers funny


Or about how we dislike certain people for things even ourselves do. Or how we all strive for perfection.
I think it’s got a variety of meaning. If the full report gets published, could you send it to me? I’m interested.

still better than that one girl who wrote a research paper about how non-Japanese productions that borrow elements from anime are racist acts of cultural appropriation

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Or at least was going to

I only peer reviewed their outline and thesis, never saw the finished product

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You should’ve seen the essay I wrote on Elizabe-
Oh. I just realised I haven’t logged into my online classes for about a week now. Whoops.

this is like

a really good impression
i felt like i was watching Inglourious Basterds

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I wonder why that might be

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But yeah no it’s a solid video

Oh no that’s a lot of red circles

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