Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

well ans, as long as you don’t roll Librarian, Cabalist, or Warrior you’re safe from the jokes


Look at R+C :eyes:

Eh, screw it, gonna start now.

Anybody wanna co-design? (This will mostly be preventing me from adding wacky ass shit unless you know flavor.)

what is a KnB

it’s a basketball anime

Kuroko no Basuke.

oh, thats whats its called

disgusting, smh

There’s a cat in it.

slightly less disgusting

but still anime

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There’s also a dog in it.

One day, I will be in a match where Italy actually plays the game.


One day I will roll a true Neutral.

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It will be the same game he doesn’t have a gun

the only time i rolled a ‘‘true’’ neutral was probably my least favorite FM game ive played so far


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get rekt skrub

dying was an escape

you saved me from being forced to not lie in FM

if you’ve seen me play literally any game since, you’ll notice i lie a lot :eyes:

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There are so many furry PS5 games

Now roll it again
But now you’re also Arbiter nk

This ‘Goodbye Volcano’ game looks like a furry visual novel
That is funny

if i rolled it again i’d fucking 0post