Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Tbh I’d play Vel’Koz if I got the divine purging skin
That makes him look pretty awesome

If you couldn’t tell then I pick heroes for either really niche but extremely cool abilities or looks. I was tempted to get Neeko just because of her passive. LOL

What do I do when I need to roll a series of d20s on the forums using discobot without the repeated message prompt? For my misc games. I cannot just roll more than one at once.

@discobot roll 1d20

you can put anything in the text below it just has to be on it’s own line

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:game_die: 7

for example

@discobot roll 1d20

you can do this

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:game_die: 8

put a number ahead of the d20

I do.
I always do

@discobot roll 1d20

Unless modifiers are in place.

:game_die: 5

Simple solution: <div>

I do <fill>.

Oh. That works too then.

Can someone ping me if the GI turbo gets rehosted again

there’s one being hosted rn

I know, but it’s filled. I was too late.

Coven Morgana looks great

League have some really good designers
Bar new Fiora

Fiora has been that for 5 years

