Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Doesn’t matter because YEETING someone is still superior to lynching someone

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Tbh I capitalised on the situation to try and get people to change the word to jettison.

Do not read. Venting out nonsense.
  • “Are we dying…? I… suddenly don’t want to continue moving forward anymore.”
  • “I… should have never visited that place. I wish I never saw it. I wish I never heard it.”
  • “Everyone is leaving us behind.”
  • “I envy them. My sloth will be the cause of my fall. I am seeing how I die, yet I don’t do anything to prevent it. I just… stare, and I… let it kill me.”
  • “Fuck that guy in particular. Dunno who he is, but I hope he never comes back to us.”
  • “Damn you, my curiosity.”
  • “Oh hey, that person was present at that place! And that guy too!”
  • “He is gone as well… we are all dying, aren’t we? It’s just a matter of time… Nothing is permanent.”
  • “Bunch of addicts. Get your life together.”
  • “Easy for you to say, you stupid piece of thought.”
  • “I wonder how the me was doing when I was still considered pure. Must be a… lax life.”
  • “You’re the same as him though?”
  • “Accept things as is, and improve thyself.”
  • “I am tired… when will this journey end?”
  • “Not everyone is gone… It’s just a lot of them.”
  • “I don’t want to remember. I don’t want to change my attitude towards that person. Please, let me forget. I fear to forget, but I wish to forget this specific thing.”
  • “It’s not as if I will remember this… Just like I don’t remember my rants from the past.”
  • “Hands covered my face. I can see with one eye. The ceiling was… bland, but all I hear was my own voice. My own cry.”
  • “Oh god… I need to avoid reading horror stuff for at least three days after that.”
  • “Good story, but breaks the mind.”
  • “Empaths are cursed. Never trace back their emotions. You’ve got us already.”

…I need a break from life. Just one night.
…good thing it’s 01.30 in the morning.

I heard medicine is especially effective this time of year.

No. I don’t wanna. I… I’d rather be broken than take meds for stress issues.


I have never been in such a position but I’d never like any sort of medication influencing my thoughts.
I understand that

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depression is a bitch (i know from experience)
there are free, medicine-free treatments though
feel free to reach out to me for more help


I was in a unit with some mental health professionals at a university for a games & psychology unit.
Those people are really good at what they do.
I asked them a few questions about their job I could tell you if you wanted.

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I wouldnt take any meds against depression without consulting a doctor first. They are often very strong, so it is important to have the right ones, and they should be last resort imo. But theres nothing to say against speaking with a doctor or psychotherapist


I uh… it’s probably not depression. At least, I don’t think it is. I assume it will be over soon.

Don’t worry about me.

I hope your wave of whatever is hitting you is over soon. Please give us updates whenever it is and feel better soon.

Like ?

calming forms of media, mainly

def not a cure, but can work as a diversion from depression
which can be the best one can hope for, sometimes.

Currently watching Ant-man & Wasp to forget stuff. It’s working. I am fine again now.

(Still need to sleep though.)


Is that movie good?

Cinematics: 10/10
Character relatability: 9.5/10
Overall plot: 8.5/10 (Overall was good, but there was one very minor plot reasoning I can’t deem as “good”. Maybe 9/10 is a better rating.)

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post #1 of yelling at Zone to go to sleep:


4 AM in the morning. Too late for sleep.

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