Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

This was my immediate thought as well

they also responded to us talking in vc. so they were in the vc

i dont think it was someone telling someone else the code, because they got in first once

by the way for obvious reasons don’t go “I’ll just send everyone but x an invite and if it doesn’t happen it was x”

i hope it wasnt.
but that lines up somewhat


I think we ignore this incident unless we find anything else that directly points towards the culprit and instead put measures in place to prevent this.

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What were the memes though?

This is important information

Marsh gave out fake codes and stuff aswell to check who it was aswell.

he didnt catch it.

We are trying to use deductive reasoning to suss out the culprit

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how about Dat Bird

It had to have been eevee.
There is no-one else intelligent enough to not fall for that.

going to be honest if I was the one doing it I would expect this type of stuff

the person who is doing this is obviously in the trolling mode and would be watching out for this type of stuff

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This is the POE now right?

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we shall play this like a normal mafia game

@katze why aren’t you mafia

i was kicked out of the voice channel and it happened with me not in it

additionally i was playing minecraft the entire time and it happened during my favorite jackbox game

i think the evidence speaks for itself

Same thing with me

Why were you guys kicked out?

cause they thought it was me

then they thought it was blizer

probably in the other order

