Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Why did Jena lick me on the cheek

these enormous shoulderguards

Everything is enormous on orcs Vul, I thought you would know since you play Horde.

never gonna give you up

never gonna let you down

I just live in California

Everyone here is Mexican

You pick it up

My battletag is KyoDaz#2804
Add me so I can stalk you pls thanks

never gonna run around and desert you

I’ll see if I remember to add you when I’m a little bit less dead :eyes:

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We are a melting pot of cultures WOO

i’ve never played a male orc

I did 2v2 arenas

never gonna make you cry

i live in an equally mexican state and don’t speak spanish :eyes:

never gonna say goodbye

But did you take 4 years in HS

never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

i took three years

Before Legion I’ve mained Orc Warlock for… I want to say 5 years?
After that I switched to Orc Mage and yeah, he’s my main. Other races felt boring and I love casting animations.

I hate arenas but I love RBGs. Got 1.8k rating in Legion but our group disbanded before we got to 2k. Sad days.

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Okay youre also 5 years older than me

Thats time to forget