Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I wasn’t planning on having one

ans do you want a flavor spoiler for imperium sfol
you’ll probably hate me but do you want to hear it anyways

:eyes: Big Amelia going in by herself.

Well, that certainly piques my interest. Do share.

it also saves me the trouble of having to explain tailor to the co host


The true benefits of solo hosting

what if kape cohosts

imperium sfol spoilers: all four faction leaders die, yes even the emperor somehow, it’ll make sense when/if we actually start it

Then we inevitably disagree on a tailor mechanic

Host dissonance :tm:

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Well well well.


i can already hear ans running towards me to steal my kneecap collection

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The good thing is.
Killing a Cult Leader does nothing, because another takes their place :^)

this may or may not happen

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There’s no other Cult

there may or may not be another cult

But an exception to this is HoB

Because Devout Emperor has a conversion :eyes:

also i’d like to remind everyone that amelia has created a consensus that all neutral killers are catgirls

I actually like that design a lot.
Wish we had something similar in ToL.

would be pretty cool if evil kangs had an emergency convert