Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

So, guess who just heard a recording of their own voice for the first time in years?

I’m going to say not you, but it was you, wasn’t it?

yes correct
apparently my voice is really really deep now
and somehow I haven’t noticed


Always happen, you can never really tell your voice has changed unless you play it back to yourself.

@Marshal I think it might be best to abandon Political FM unless we find a different site to do it on



Naps good.

Thanks :slight_smile:


And just like you, they’re short :wink:.




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Cyberpunk 2077 delayed again lmao

getting big Persona 5 energy here

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i mean

the whole pandemic makes this a lot more reasonable

and P5 is apparently really good so i dont mind delays

It was unquestionably worth the wait but 2014 onto 2017 was still a long-ass time

god i remember being a kid looking at that poster thinking “what’s a Purce Owner Five?”

I was watching that livestream

Nov 24th 2013

Was hyped as shit

Then delay after delay after delay

Then finally one of the best games I have ever played

If reincarnation is a thing, Ruby was definitely a surfer in a past life


also i’m finally going to bite the bullet
what the fuck is the holy roman empire