Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

plot twist

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A note that even though im reinstating my discord, please only contact me here if at all possible. The only thing i plan to use discord on pertaining to this site going forward (well, other than scumcords, which im now going to leave right after the game), is co-designing. I resign my position of chairpersonship of the NK win club to arete since i wont be rejoining that server.

im not going to be accepting friend requests on discord from this place. I learned the hard way that talking with people via DM is really bad for my health.

This highkey makes me worried, though.


it’s fine
this has kind of been the case consistently for the past 17 months

“It’s fine” and:

Contradict each other pretty hardcore.


i mean
i’ve been used to this for a while
there are no friendships at community college and at uni they never lasted because of my mental disabilities

In hard times, having friends is really important
Irl friends are probs better, but online friends can help as well
Having noone to scream at is terrible :wink:


scream at cat

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he sleep



that middle one is actually 86 but i made three grammar errors reeee

thats it? :eyes:

97 wpm seems pretty good to me

i mean tbh anything above 60 is good and ~100 is really good

but ill still flex on you because im the superior italy

Your score: 410 CPM (that is 82 WPM)

i go faster when i’m really focused
hold on

I got 91 WPM in portuguese where words have ``~~ and shit tho

WPM halfway through: 117
hippopotamus: no

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i read that as hippolytus and i was confused what he did