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yall ever notice how childish gambino looks a bit like donald glover? :flushed:


just rewatched the video
god it really hasn’t aged at all
if you want me to go into analysis mode ask

the only thing i can focus on is that donald glover played troy on community and now I can’t focus on anything but that

fuck it

This is America is two parts
Audio and Visual
I’m gonna go deep on Visual rn but lyrical analysis is a thing i might do later

The video opens on an empty chair and soon a man plays a guitar, the camera then turns to Glover, back away from the chair. He then makes his way over to the man in the chair, outrageous and clearly exaggerated body movements and facial expression on the way there.

Once we see the man in the chair again it’s replaced by someone with something obscuring their face and no guitar. This is where it gets spicy

Glover then shoots the man and hands off the gun to a kid with a red cloth. Treating it like a newborn baby almost. This is up to you what you interpret it as.

Most people wouldn’t have even proceeds wtf just happened and then it’s off to the races. Throughout the video there’s clearly chaos in the background but the focus is squarely on Glover and his back up dancers having fun, like nothing really happened. It’s pretty obvious he is commenting on the fact we move on from tragedy quickly in favor of entertainment. Like even i got that jeez.

Then we get to the chorus where Glover comes through a door with a church quire all excited by the time he gets in front of the quire and promptly guns them all down. We can see out of focus chaos surrounding him once again but there he is once again, dancing and having fun.

Once the second chorus hits he’s on top of a car and is surrounding by cars. And oh hey the man that got bodied at the start is back playing his guitar! I think what’s being said is that we never truly forget tragedy but that’s just imo.

Once that finishes the outdo starts and it’s Glover running in relative darkness being chased. This is something i want to dig into but
aaaa forum rules

So yea
my shitty analysis of the music video for This is Amercia


who the fuck is glover thats childish gambino

hey quick question for all yall fm heads
what is the term in standard fm for a member of one major faction who appears to all investigatives to be of the other major faction, with no further context?


so you would describe a mafia miller as a member of the mafia whom appears as town to all investigatives?

Not sure if there’s an overarching term

There’s miller and godfather

would probs have to delve into the mafiascum wiki to see if there’s something that combines the two and/or a similar term that can apply to neuts

reason im asking is for the idea of an fm with two major factions, that are mechanically identical.
and uh
theres no clear term for that
like miller and godfather. but theres no evil faction. just two opposing factions.

and those would be the only two major factions
not a green dragon sorta thing
not town v town 2 v scum

Miller always show up as mafia to cops. There can be mafia killers, but that’s redundant.

simon: 20 questions fm idea
simon: equally informed dualities


yes. that is the problem.

i need a term that works for mafia and town
as in this idea no faction is either of those

i need a standard fm name
where town x and mafia x both work
and they both mean that that person appears as the opposite faction to all investigatives

this isn’t a thing p sure
since FM is defined by the existence of an uninformed majority and an informed minority
if those dont apply, ur game is not that comparable to standard fm probs

Each side sees itself as town faction and the other side as scum
So you can use the miller term if you want

yeah but as its an experiment really i want to have clean terms
open setup, normal fm stuff
for equally informed dualities

but then for the other side’s investigatives. it becomes a scum appearing as a town