Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

We have a saying here
“Suche das Himmelreich zu erlangen”
It’s hard to translate, it normally would mean “Seek to gain the kingdom of heaven”
But here it means “Seek the kingdom of heaven in Erlangen”

What does that mean?

What she just said?

Well yes
But why would you want to seek the Kingdom of Heaven

I’m pretty sure it’s a pun calling Erlangen the Kingdom of Heaven as a compliment

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Oh, Erlangen is a city. Right.

@anon97870008 don’t suppose you have any familiarity with the Emil-von-Behring Gymnasium in Spardorf?

That is less than an hour of walking away from my old school

It’s a long time ago
But i remember the quality of the classes was extremely, extremely high
Probably due to the fact that most kids there were the kids of students, and we had way more teachers and smaller classes than usual, since they sent the young teachers in training to us in addition

That was my school :stuck_out_tongue:

Were you an exchange pupil?


Was this how you felt during the 1.5 games you played?

No, what I felt was crippling depression and an endless stream of pressure/stress.


please stop sending me friend requests on discord @Geyde @Wazza and anyone else

for my own health, I will not communicate with anyone from this forum on discord ever again
the only time i’ll ever be in the same server as anyone from here will be for host / groupscum games for scumcords during the game only (will leave right after)

if you want to talk to me, pm me here.
all my future design work i will do within PM’s here also

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i realize it might seem strange why i feel that this statement is somehow applicable to me

but as some can attest to, speaking with people from this forum on discord tends to bring out the worst in me: anxiety, rage, envy, resentment, and the most vicious aspects of my OCD. i’ve found that doesn’t happen here on discourse.

i figure a streamlined stance across the board on this is probs best. Apologies if this disappoints anyone.

also i’ve had the lesson drilled into me indirectly the hard way recently that often times the best way to repair relationships with people is to just stop privately contacting them and let time do the job.

it’s a lot easier to resist PM’ing people here than it is DM’ing people on discord that I have access to (since the UI is much faster there)

so ye.

also i dont really need designcords

i can just talk in PM’s here
since all the classcard formatting has to be done here anyways

@Apprentice @sulit if you think MCUFM might ever happen, please create / find a PM for it and add me
@KyoDaz if you think 7DSFM might ever happen, please create / find a PM for it and add me
@Jane if you think YGOFM might ever happen, please create / find a PM for it and add me
@Magnus if you think SCP2FM might ever happen, please create / find a PM for it and add me
@Hippolytus @Emilia if you think EGYFM might ever happen, please create / find a PM for it and add me
@Amelia if you think ACFM might ever happen, please create / find a PM for it and add me

I wont be present in designcords anymore, but i will do work in design PM’s here and do formatting and try to start learning how to balance cards when i can.