Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Rare meat is good
but Pepsi>coke

How about root beer?

dr pepper tastes like liquid jolly rancher

nasty stuff

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root beer fucking sucks how does anyone over the age of 12 enjoy it

never been a fan of root beer

Why? You need to try it first!

I’d honestly just drink something else

I like root beer floats but not root bear by itself


YOU ARE THE scum of the EARTH

it cures depression so it is

Dr pepper tastes like if someone accidentally put medicine in a soda but Dr. pepto was taken via copyright so they named it dr pepper


Why are you Avery now

No ):<

Orange do you eat the leaves off strawberries, I can’t be alone here please save me

Because I am legally obligated to change my pfp


cookie was a mistake

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We should just hold discussions in minecraft

I’m totally going to say this if I’m booked for speeding.
I didn’t see the speed limit, therefore you can’t book me :sunglasses: .

this isnt even peak cookie

Is it going to be like peak oil?