Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

har har I’m on area of a triangle

yup, algebra 2
i took that in 8th grade and was forced to repeat it in 9th due to moving discricts and having a cruel new math department chair (which was annoying)

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Which I have been dodging because I could just look up the formula and understand it within like 10 seconds probably

that’s an A-level thing for us
not sure about the exact grade conversions though

I’m in Grade 11 for you, then


Oh wait I’m not in Grade 11
I’m in Grade 9

yes, i know (which is quite strange to me)
here, the equivalent to A-levels is A.P. exams
And the only A.P. exam for mathematics is for calculus
Which is two years ahead of algebra 2 (the material you are learning now)

fuck, i feel ancient

actually i’ve already done quite a bit of calculus

if you’re learning trigonometry now, you’ll need to learn it again probs because it’s impossible that you’re competent anywhere close to what the actual course would teach you

Trigonometry is Grade 8 for Scottish schools

Havent played it yet

been busy a bit

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Sin and radians is trigonometry here, which is taught within algebra 2

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What’s the most unique feature about the USA’s education system, N.1?
And you too for England @Icibalus

I forgot that these integrated programs are spreading like the plague
Making it harder for me to these youngins when content from different courses is meshed together like some barbaric stew

we’ve already been taught quite a lot of trigonometry- it’s just only right now they’re getting to radians
trust me, maths is taught in a fucked up order here


If you don’t know radians, you cannot do calc 1 competently

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pity I don’t know what calc 1 is

Like i said
in america, it’s a course usually taken two years after what you’re on now