Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

yes see
for us, Eton, which is for all intents and purposes a prestigious private school, is called a public school

I’ve been told by my teacher they reject anyone who isn’t from the Catholic religion to teach there as well

There are actual religious schools in Britain? What?

i know several in my local area alone

There are religious schools
99% of pupils are not religious

This is from my experience anyway
We sing uh, whatever the holy songs are in assembly by Primary School.
Other than that in high school we have done nothing to do with religion except in RMPS

The whole concept sounds extremely weird to me.

Yeah I didn’t even question this, but still.

He has the whole world
In his hands
He has the whole world
In his hands

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I’m almost 90% sure the demographics are wrong religion-wise
Like, seriously
I can name one jewish person out of my entire school of 400~ pupils

It’s basically a standard here for everyone who’s devoutly catholic or devoutly modern orthodox jewish and can afford it

Hasidic jews all live in a secluded community and are never allowed to interact with the outside world

Kind of like amish ppl, but they can use tech and dont have to live rurally

@anon97870008 how are schools in Germany again?
I remember you bringing this up before but it was a while ago.

Define “how are”?

System integrity
Pupil population
ect. ect.

Despite having gone to one for like a month I can’t really answer because I don’t speak German lol

At least not much/well

That’s funny

I love German people’s accents

I know it wasn’t directed at me but I feel there are some things I could help provide insight on

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my favourite quirk of the british education system is where they have a system where you’re graded from 1-9 but getting 1-4 is literally a failure so what’s the point of those grades