Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

ive spent some time reading on MU

they really dont have the kind of mashes/games we have here

alot of vanilla roles in them aswell

wonder why that is

is it just the hosts

do players just kinda play whats there

do players who like that kind of playing just flock to the site, so then they have a community like that

do they just not like the concept of a PR because of swing

How about if this cookie is stolen by the void as well?

Imagine sleeping

kinda want to try a game there sometime

to my understanding MU is more competitive oriented
as such you can’t have ppl playing mashes for competition; it needs to be a standard, guaranteed setup

Are you alive right now?

And more community friendly. Anti-town meta is bad. WIFOM Emojis are bad. I am bad.


they need it all laid out for plans


also kinda like the idea of no anti claim

like, DS in champs with the claim in opener

allows for alot more creativity with playstyle

France… if it’s legit France, then I doubt it. It should be around 2 AM right now.

MU has mashes

Nah, he’s from Canada iirc.
There’s a reason I call him fake French man sometimes.

Also I’m from EU myself so I know approximate time.

Ah, I see. …in that case I dunno whether he’ll make it for the cookie.

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hon hon hon

also gothic layer when i feel like it after my lust has been sated

they have automated bots that can handle most vanilla roles

there are a lot of mashes but they are much bigger than ours and usually are 12/12

but I think the people there are less… loose as far as what is bastard and what is not.

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Also someone tried running FoL on there and it was a disaster

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I think geyde was thinking of doing it but didn’t

iirc zone tried to run FoL on NuF

Someone did before