Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

infiltrator/juggernaut is the only valid combo

‘how do I stop the evils from being executed if I don’t know who the evils are’

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any class with a wincon that’s not “survive” or “get exed” people will complain is too complicated


FoL Fool in ToL would be easy because BD pretty commonly no-exe


How the fuck can you find scum with text??

It’s a fucking text, you can write the same text if you’re a scum


“D1 AlCh HeRe DoInG NoThInG aLl GaMe LeAvE mE aLoNe”

I actually had two games where BD literally skipped D2 lynch for no reason because everyone was too afraid to push someone.
It was such a mess.

okay but @Magnus
SCRS isn’t even that hard

isn’t that every game


once i claimed day 1 inquisitor and after submitting my night action literally went and made popcorn
still won

D2 is the most common no-exe day because everyone is busy doing VFR

Not when I’m town and I’m alive, no.
But you see.
In first game I was scum, in second game I was already dead.

I claimed a D1 Inquisitor with nonexistent Heretics as a Fool before, BD just let me live.

have i told you of the time i claimed merc who SGed king because i was a small brain fool as sellsword
and i survived the entire fucking game

was this the game that i called you out for being fake D2, tried to CS you, but you occed me and got neutral king out of pity

This is almost as bad as executing a “Princess” that stalls until last seconds and has logs with outed info.

no this was like
a year ago
back before i was even a guide

pretty sure we skipped it in both games I played tonight

but the first one I was an alch and didn’t care, and the second we also got out the claim of literally the entire court, so I’m not complaining :upside_down_face:

i forgot you were a guide

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do y’all love the fun times where you claim 3 different fake paladin redchecks as sellsword/fool and they are all correct