Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

you’re being too hard on yourself

most of the time when I see things go wrong for you it takes the form of ‘was BD, got spite-converted because he was leading the court, lost because lolmechanicalconfirmation’ or ‘was BD in a court full of potatoes, failed to inspire the potatoes to kill obvious evils’

2017? lolno

I only started playing in uhh I think early 2019 maybe late 2018

This isn’t even bad either.

actually in one of my last games i claimed 3rd paladin (with no results) as Hunter

and then immediately got jailed

why r we back to the colgator

that’s so cursed omg

Somehow I don’t really remember playing with you, sadly.
But I hope those games were good.

if I ever can play ToL again i’m just going to claim a bunch of FoL classes when i’m fool and maybe alch

I’d say because I can

i mean i frequently claim inquisitor and sellsword as butler but you already knew that

and astromancer as some classes

i might start incorporating pretender claims into my play … when i play

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I remember seeing your name in the lobby like twice

I don’t remember specific games with you but I think we’ve played

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I claim Mind Flayer :^)

right ima change my pfp too


but actually tho im thinking of changing it soon

maybe end of christmas?

i think i have more money than you :^)

claim FoL alch as ToL alch


it’s always christmas in america


I literally deleted my old account that had over 160k gold.
Of course you have more gold doing reports, what.

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personally I think you having that christmas pfp for so long is iconic

I still have not gotten over vul’s pfp change

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right time to change it now then

claim omnimiller 2-shot emissary strongwiller

I miss Vulgard’s old pfp a lot.